李莹,女,1981年8月生,博士,副教授。担任Plos One, Chaos,Physica A, Current Bioinformatics等SCI杂志的审稿人。
1、2014.01-2016.12, 上海市教委创新基金, 斑马鱼生物钟调控机制的数学建模与分析, 主持。
2、 2012.01- 2014.12, 国家自然科学基金, 昼夜节律生物钟的数学建模及其同步机制的研究, 主持。
3、2009.01-2010.12, 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金, 浒苔生长的动力学分析, 主持。
1、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Coupling mechanism in the gate and oscillator model of
the SCN, Physica A, 457(1): 62–72(2016), (SCI).
2、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Dynamical mechanism of Bmal1/Rev-erbα loop in circadian clock, Physica A, 430: 126-135(2015), (SCI).
3、Ying Li, Luwen Zhang, Hui Wu, Dynamic Behavior of Drosophila Circadian Rhythm with Regulation of microRNAs, Current Bioinformatics, 10: 39-47(2015), (SCI).
4、李莹,刘曾荣,数学建模在昼夜节律生物钟中的应用,动力学与控制学报,13(1): 56(6)(2015), 核心。
5、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Dynamical Analysis of bantam-Regulated Drosophila Circadian Rhythm Model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 24(12): 1450161(14)(2014), (SCI).
6、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Synchronization of Clocks Coupled by Neurotransmitter in the SCN, Journal of Biological Systems, 21(1): 1350006(12)(2013), (SCI).
7、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Jinhuo Luo, Hui Wu, Coupling-induced synchronization in multicellular circadian oscillators of mammals, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 7:59-65(2013), (SCI).
8、Ying Li, Hui Wu, Jinhuo Luo, Comparing two models based on the transcriptional regulation by KaiC of cyanobacteria rhythm, 2012 IEEE 6th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB), 978-1-4673-4398-5/12: 216-219, (EI).
9、李莹,刘曾荣哺乳动物生物钟的数学建模及研究进展,动力学与控制学报,10(3):263-267(2012), 核心。
10、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Synchronization between different motifs, Chinese Physics B, 19(11): 110501(2010), (SCI).
11、Ying Li, Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of an Entermorpha prolifera Population Model,The Fourth International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB2010): 29–34(2010).(ISTP)
12、Ying Li, Z. Liu, J. Zhang, R. Wang, L. Chen, Synchronization mechanisms of circadian rhythms in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, IET Systems Biology, 3(2): 100-112(2009), (SCI).
13、Wei Fang, Ying Li, Kai Zhang and Hui-Qing Lu, Exact analysis of scaling and dominant attractors beyond the exponential potential,Class. Quantum Grav., 26: 155005 (12pp) (2009), (SCI).
14、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Jianbao Zhang, Synchronization between different networks, Chinese Physics Letters, 25(3): 874-877(2008), (SCI).
15、Jianbao Zhang, Zengrong Liu, Ying Li, Synchronization in Oscillator Networks with Nonlinear Coupling, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 50(4): 925(2008), (SCI).
16、Ying Li, Jian-Bao Zhang, Analysis of the Special Structure of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, The Second International Symposium on Optimization and Systems Biology (OSB’08), 68-73(2008), (ISTP).
17、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Jianbao Zhang, Dynamics of Network Motifs in Genetic Regulatory Networks, Chinese Physics, 16(9): 2587-2594 (2007), (SCI).
18、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Jianbao Zhang, Phase Synchronization of Circadian Oscillators Induced by a Light-Dark Cycle and Extracellular Noise,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg,Vol. 4689: 1-7 (2007), (ISTP and EI).
19、Zengrong Liu, Ying Li, Guanrong Chen, The Basin of Attraction of the Chen Attractor, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 34 (5): 1696-1703 (2007), (SCI and EI)
20、Ying Li, Zengrong Liu, Jianbao Zhang, Circadian Oscillators and Phase Synchronization under a Light-Dark Cycle, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1(3): 131-138 (2006).